Friday, February 1, 2013

Tools to have if you have no electricity

Sorry it has been a while since I have posted the latest news and updates.  My computer died that I use for my blog so I have not bee able to get my normal daily feed posted.  My computer is still down that I use for this blog so it may be a little while before I get that daily news feed back online, but in the mean while I have been running across a lot of great blogs, tips, tricks, and informative information that I feel is important to be passing along.

As always at the Be Prepared Channel we try to keep things focused on the positive note as much as possible with ideas towards the future, sustainable living, and our ability not just survive, but thrive in the days to come as we spend our days today preparing, learning, building skills, acquiring the tools, knowledge, and ability to do things in ways more reminiscent of the early pioneers, or even the aboriginal natives that lived here before us.  So lots of things to learn, and lots of work to do on a daily basis.

So with that said I will be popping out here to post some informative links, tips, and updates on things that we are doing here at the Be Prepared Channel.

Today my favorite link is for a blog tip that talks about old fashioned manual hand tools.  I am still working on this area myself so I think this is important to make your list of things you still need, and tools are pretty high on my list.  So I thought you might enjoy this...

A Good list of tools to have if you have no electricity

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