Thursday, April 7, 2011

Episode 18: Proactive about Inflation

Welcome to another episode of the Be Prepared Channel. Today we are talking about getting proactive about inflation. Your prepper, survival, homestead plan probably already has you buying things for your plan and homestead, but today we talk about how inflation is on the move and how we need to be proactive in accelerating our prepper, survival plans in the face of our quickly devaluing dollar. The longer you wait to make these purchases the more it is going to cost you.

We see in the news that Walmart CEO is warning of serious inflation, most major companies have been announcing price increases, and of course if you have been to the grocery store recently I am sure that you know that it isn't just the cost of food, but our blood pressure that is up as we are watching increases everywhere. Energy prices are on the march and there looks to be little relief coming. The source of most of this? The US dollar crisis. All that funny money flushed out all over the world is causing dollar devaluation, and big surges in prices around the globe. We are seeing them here now.

Proactive Plan - Prioritize your NEEDS
Some suggested priorities and ideas for your lists.
1. Food Storage Plan - absolute minimum 90 days of your families needs on hand
2. Water storage, filtration, filters, and containers
3. Consumable supplies, soap, detergent, cleaners, bath tissue, paper towels, toothpaste, first aid supplies, etc.
4. Go to supplies: nails, screws, duct tape, plastic sheeting, plumbers tape, electrical tape etc.
3. Tools, equipment
-- Chainsaw
-- Generator
-- Power tools
-- Compressor
-- Post hole digger
-- winches, come along, ratches, bungie cords
-- tarps
-- grinding wheels, drill bits, saw blades
-- hand tools
-- garden tools
-- wheel barrel
-- (You fill in the items for your own list, these are just a few things to make you think about what you might want or need on your own list)

To invest your savings today?
The question for you to decide is what will be the biggest return for your dollars? Sitting in a savings account or investing in usable, tangible items that you will in fact be buying anyway? By making those investments now in todays dollars you will be saving yourself money and getting a bigger return on your investment overall. Prioritize your list and ensure you stick to your needs and placing the priority on the basics first. However that is your call as I am not an investment advisor so YMMV! LOL

Paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to prep?
Might I suggest it is time to do a periodic review of the things we are spending money on, eating out, going out to sports events, movies, hanging out with friends and spending money on drinks, food, etc. I promise you that everyone including myself still has things in my budget that I can do without and will continue to review and reduce those costs as they come up. Review your spending on cable plans, cell phone plans, subscriptions, memberships, and anyplace you spend money on a monthly basis. Look at your shopping cart when you go to the store, time to put that junk food and garbage back. You should see mostly healthy choices in your cart that you wouldn't mind freezing, vacuum sealing, dehydrating or storing in your cart. Review your utilities bills, and think about how you can power off, switch off, reduce your power consumption. Lower your thermostat, turn down that water heater, put up a clothes line. It is the small things that add up to the biggest difference

I hope you enjoy the podcast!

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