Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Finding Dolly Freed

Just a quick post today to share some links I found on Dolly Freed. For those who may not be familiar with Dolly she wrote a book back in the late 70's and published in the early 80's called "Possum Living". She was an 18 year old girl that shared life from what we consider a tough time in our past with high inflation, high unemployment, high energy costs. She figured that if a dumb possum can live without money so can we so the book is called "Possum Living".

Here is a link to the book on Amazon:

Well Dolly went on with her life not really seeking out the fame or the limelight. She went on to do some amazing things and is still doing some amazing things. She is now a guest journalist on a web site that I just found and will be linking here and adding to my favorites. Why the big deal over finding Dolly? In the world we live in today everything that was old is new again and her experience "Possum Living" and her life she lives today is a valuable to all of us in the prepper or survivalist community. So I am thrilled to have found the articles about Dolly and that she is going to be taking part and sharing with us. I know I can hardly wait.

So for those of you who haven't read her book here is a neat YouTube.com documentary that was done on Dolly and I will post the links below to the great articles and places she is now hanging out. I hope you will pop out on Granny Miller and say Hi to Dolly and give her the warm welcome she deserves!

Possum Living Part 1 of 3:

Possum Living Part 2 of 3:

Possum Living Part 3 of 3:

Here is a great article on Dolly today:

Where is Dolly hanging out? Check out Granny Miller:

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do. I am looking forward to learning a lot more from Dolly!

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