Monday, November 2, 2015

Headlines in the News November 02, 2015

A bottoming of gold prices might be closer than you think
As Swedish central bank fights deflation, housing bubble worries mount
Doug Casey-Greater Depression Already Started
Unemployment, Collapsing Infrastructure, An Incompetent Social-political-economic System: America is “On the Road to the Third World”
Too Big To Fail: US Federal Reserve Says No More Bailouts; Burden To Shift To Investors
Left but Really Right
Surprise! This Obamacare Problem Still Hasn't Been Resolved
Why do so many young adults live at home? A record 34.5 percent of Millennials live at home with their parents in California.
Competition for the Fed’s Money Monopoly
Ben Bernanke and Wall Street Executives
Jobs Data to Hold Key to Fed's Rate Plans
Can cyber-hackers shut down the power grid?
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

How Inflation Fools People Into Thinking They Are Richer Do Tax Cuts Grow The Economy?
Eurozone Deflation Avoided But More QE Still Needed
Rising pay for truckers is reshaping the industry
US oil majors show resilience
Kraft Heinz plans factory closures that could eliminate 950 jobs
So how’s the middle class, really?
Fed's Williams says low neutral interest rates a 'warning sign'
Chevron Takes Drastic Measures, Lays Off Another 7000 Employees
USDollar/USDX Index

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